Drupal and WordPress monitor

A real-time data platform that track all of the necessary upgrades and vulnerabilities in one place.

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Know your Drupal Vulnerabilities?

Content Management Systems (CMS) have become one of the most popular and easiest ways to create and manage websites.

Teams often forget to update add-on modules as well whenever the main system is upgraded, thereby leaving them vulnerable.

By using our platform you have a way to keep track of all the necessary upgrades and vulnerabilities in one place.

Wordpress Websites
Vulnerabilities recorded in 2015
Open Drupal Issues
Sites currently infected or hacked

No bullshit, just a simple UI with all the information you need

Having your site hacked is one of the biggest nightmares for any website owner.

From one moment to the next, your site is shut down. Traffic plummets and all the energy, effort, time, and money you put into your site is on the brink of being lost entirely.

After 6 months of iteration we think we're pretty good at keeping your sites as airtight as possible, giving you and your team peace of mind.

Looking at every aspect of all of your sites, from necessary upgrades and vulnerabilities, to individual modules.

Presenting it in one, easy to read dashboard.


Our platform will let you know instantly when security issues arise or critical updates are required.

SLA/Availability reporting

When it comes to securing your website, you’d better have someone in charge.

Always secure

At Lumturio, we are committed to keep your website secure.

Website monitoring made easy.


Being proactive about the security of your website means having more time to do the things that really matter.

Thanks to our intuitive dashboard and reporting options it’s easy to stay ahead and resolve security issues well before they actually arise.


The data provided by our platform is well-structured and organised in clear overviews that offer status updates at a glance.

You’ll have more confidence, less stress, and a simple, proven plan in your business.


The data provided by our platform is not machine speak. It is data about security that actually makes sense to people from all levels of the organisation.

That way everyone in the team can keep track of how secure the website is.

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